Lam Rim Introduction and Vajrasattva Mantra Commentary and Guided Meditation of Vajrasattva Purification of Body Speech and Mind.
6 hours of Audio 4 audio files download 1 Zip file suggested donation $7
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Lam Rim Introduction and Vajrasattva Mantra Commentary and Guided Meditation of Vajrasattva Purification of Body Speech and Mind.
6 hours of Audio 4 audio files download 1 Zip file suggested donation $7
Purification is an important practice for removing obscurations and defilements that hinder our Dharma practice and cause suffering in our life. Purification is an unbelievably powerful method to clear away stores of unwholesome karma that has been accumulated from time without beginning, the quickest way to transform our mind and as such a most effective way to attain spiritual realization on the path to enlightenment.
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Vajrasattva is great Buddha of purification. Vajrasattva literally means, diamond like clear and powerful mind. The initiation of Vajrasattva is given by Lama for the students new or some one who has been practising Dharma for a while. Vajrasattva practise is also preparation for taking further high Tanric practises. Vajrasattva practise powerful method of purifying body speech and mind and Karmas of the past and present time. Once you received this initiation, you are qualified to do the sadhana and 100 syllable Mantra of Vajrsattva, which can be very powerful, it all depends on your motivation and dedication to the practice. Vajrasattva practice is one of the four foundation practices on the path of enlightenment of Buddha according toTibetan Buddhism. We are very fortunate to have the opportunity to practice Vajrasattva meditation in this age.
Pay what you want, suggested donation: $10 4 mp3 files download 1 zip file
According to the Gelug tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, Adapted from The Union of the Three Purifications of Shri Chakrasamvara (Pel Kor.lo dag pa sum gyi nel.jor [Tib.])
This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received the Vajrasattva yab-yum initiation from a qualified Lama.
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