Mahamudra Practice and Lam Rim July 5 6 2014

Teachings on Lam Rim and Mahamudra Practice
During this in-house weekend retreat, Ven. Zasep Rinpoche will teach and lead meditations in two of the most important currents of practice in the Gelugpa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism: Lam Rim and Mahamudra. “Lam Rim” is the systematized, graduated program of practice of the entire teachings of Buddhism, created by our founder, the famed saint, Je Tsongkhapa. Presented as a practical toolbox and corpus of resources, “Lam Rim”gives you the means to truly live a “Buddhist Life”. Mahamudra or the system of meditation on the true nature of mind, is a sublime Buddhist path of practice that allows one to tame the mind, purify it of negativity and bitterness and plant the seeds of a deep blooming peace that is then expressed in your daily activities.

Suggested donation: $13    6 mp3 files download 1 zip file

Mahamudra Practice and Lam Rim July 5 6 2014 ZL